Welcome to my starter-blog. It's a pretty stripped down model, but I'll use it during this Web 2.0 class to post reflections on my learning.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Reflection #1: Blog

I found the Blogger.com tool easy to use in getting my very basic blog created. I did find when customizing it however, that it wasn't always "intuitive" for me. I know that it will become easier to use with additional practice. I was fine in figuring out the design elements, but wasn't quite sure on the gadgets. I may explore other blogging sites to compare their ease of use to this one. This blog builder is a great one for getting started, though!

I experimented beyond this assignment by creating another blog for use with one of the classes I will be teaching next fall. I titled it Brain by Brain: How Students Learn. I was able to find a nice little YouTube video clip to embed on the homepage. The link to this blog is embedded below. Check it out!

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