Welcome to my starter-blog. It's a pretty stripped down model, but I'll use it during this Web 2.0 class to post reflections on my learning.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Reflection #2: Wiki

AUGGGHHHHH! I'm not feeling very tech-savvy right now! I just posted the link to my newly created Wiki, so I guess I was successful with this assignment, but it wasn't pretty. I found this very difficult! It was overwhelming! I worry that my brain- a definite digital immigrant brain- will never feel comfortable with these tools that are so multi-layered! There are links everywhere, and following them often gets me lost. I find myself forgetting where I was going, and why I was going there! (This also occasionally happens to me when I'm not anywhere close to my computer- so maybe it's just my age!)

I will really be gravitating toward a stripped down model for my first functional Wiki- if not for my members, for ME! I don't like the clutter of many of the wikis I reviewed, and I don't think that simply because so many widgets CAN be embedded, that they SHOULD be embedded! I want to be very thoughtful about exactly which tools and functions will increase the effectiveness of my wiki, and will leave off the rest! Perhaps I'll change my mind when I'm more at ease with this new tool, but for me, now... less... is more!

1 comment:

  1. I love that Joyce Valenza calls our generation "digital pioneers". After all, the kids didn't start this technology craze- the baby boomers did! And all of us have trouble remembering what we are looking for in the fridge!
