Welcome to my starter-blog. It's a pretty stripped down model, but I'll use it during this Web 2.0 class to post reflections on my learning.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Reflection #3- RSS

I spent lots of time on this assignment- not because it was so difficult, but because I wanted to be very selective in choosing my RSS feeds. Getting the Google Reader set-up was very easy, even though I am still figuring out exactly how it works.

Because I still worry about information overload, I selected just five RSS feeds as a starting point. I created three folders that align to the major areas of my work: Parent Involvement, The Brain, Learning and Motivation, and The Iowa Core Curriculum.

Into my Parent Involvement Folder, I placed the following two feeds: One Voice, a resource from the National PTA, and Schools and Parents, a resource from the Parent Institute. I looked at many different sites, and these two seemed to have the type of information that would be most useful to me.

Into my Brain, Learning and Motivation folder, I placed the following two feeds: Scientific American Mind- Neuroscience, and BrainConnection, from Posit Science. Again I checked numerous sites and am satisfied that both of these are reputable sources of information- based on the what I read, and the list of contributing authors.

Finally, I subscribed to an RSS feed from the Iowa Department of Education. I wasn't able to find one specific to the Iowa Core Curriculum, but figure that any new information will come out through this more general feed.

The thing I'm struggling with most about the Reader, is that I can't delete articles that come to me but don't end up being anything that I need. I keep wanting to "clean things up", just as I do my e-mail boxes. I'll just have to get used to using the stars to signify which articles are worth saving and/or returning to in the future.

Great Tool to know about!

1 comment:

  1. You are wise to limit your feeds-- these sound relevant and authoritative.
